The Benefits Of Nutritional Supplements For Maintaining Eye Health.

The Benefits Of Nutritional Supplements For Maintaining Eye Health.

Nutrition plays a major role in the health of our bodies, including our eyes. Vitamins and minerals are essential for good eye health and protect our vision. A balanced, nutritionally dense diet can provide the adequate number of vitamins and minerals the body and eyes need. However, some people require additional supplementation if their diet cannot provide the adequate nutrients needed. Supplements are typically eye vitamins in the form of pills that give nutrients to the body to replenish what you may be missing. Deficiencies in some vitamins can increase the risk of some eye conditions, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration. Research suggests that some vitamin and mineral supplements may help protect against or slow the development and progression of certain eye diseases. Here are some essential vitamins and minerals for good eye health.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an essential for good vision. It is a component of the protein rhodopsin, which allows the eye to see in low-light conditions such as in a cinema or while driving at night. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to night blindness. Vitamin A also supports the function of the transparent cornea. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry, gritty eyes that have a hard time producing tears, making them feel irritated and uncomfortable.
Beta carotene serves as the primary source of vitamin A in our diet. It is a type of plant pigment commonly found in many colourful fruits and vegetables. When a person consumes beta carotene, their body converts the pigments into vitamin A. Some vitamin A-rich foods include sweet potatoes, carrots, and spinach.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C protects the eyes from UV light damage and oxidative stress. Oxidative damage has been implicated as a common cause of age-related cataracts. This is because the concentration of vitamin C in the eyes lessens with age. Diet and supplementation however can counteract this. Foods containing high levels of vitamin C include citrus fruits, broccoli and some berries.

Lutein and zeaxanthin
Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants commonly found in high quantities in green leafy vegetables. These antioxidants are also present in the crystalline lens and retina of the eye. Antioxidants reduce oxidative damage in the retina. Research has shown that taking lutein and zeaxanthin supplements daily may lower a person’s risk of developing age-related macular degeneration and also the progression of the disease. Some food sources of lutein and zeaxanthin include lettuce, spinach, kale, broccoli, and egg yolk.

Zinc is a mineral that helps maintain the health of the retina and cell membranes in the eye. Zinc supplementation may be beneficial to people who have macular degeneration or are at risk of developing the condition. Sources of zinc include turkey, chickpeas, milk, fortified cereals, and nuts.

Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids help protect the retina from degeneration. The retina of the eye is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Many doctors also recommend omega-3 fatty acids for the treatment of dry eye syndrome. Certain foods rich in omega-3 are oily fish like sardines, tuna and walnuts.
Other vitamins like vitamin E and B vitamins are also essential for good eye health.

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