Doing an eye test is critical for maintaining healthy eyes. Not only does testing determine the need for glasses or changes in prescription, but they also play a crucial role in detecting common eye conditions.
Eye care professionals recommend that eye tests should be conducted at least every two years. For adults with no vision or eye health concerns, a biennial schedule suffices, while children should undergo tests annually. However, if there are any apprehensions about vision, booking an appointment at any time is advised.
Consult the doctor if you are experiencing.
- Frequent headaches
- Blurry Vision
- Eye Pain
- Poor Vision
Certain individuals are at a higher risk of developing sight-related problems. This includes those with an eye disease or risk factor such as
- diabetes
- high blood pressure
- family history of eye disease
- individuals aged 40 or over,
- people aged 60 or over.
What to expect during your eye test
Getting your eyes tested can be confusing and stressful. Understanding what happens during an eye examination can allay these concerns. A complete eye exam involves taking a close look at your eyes and doing a series of checks to assess both vision and overall eye health. Beyond vision assessment, eye tests serve as comprehensive health checks for the eyes, identifying early signs of conditions that could impact vision. We use special equipment, instruments and lights to look into your eyes. These tests don’t hurt but they may be a little uncomfortable.
Our process is split into five separate stages as follows
1: Registration / History and Symptoms
2: Pre-Screening
3: Main Eye Tests
4: Diagnosis and Recommendations
5: Prescription and frames
1. Registration / History and Symptoms:
- On arrival you will first complete registration which takes about 5 minutes and you will be assigned a patient ID number from our database.
- Then one of our Doctors will talk to you about any concerns you have about your eyes, vision, or existing glasses/contact lenses.
- They will then inquire about your lifestyle, general health, current medications, past eye treatments, and whether or not your family has a history of eye conditions.
This information will determine the best way we can help you.
2. Pre-Screening:
- In the pre-screening room our Doctor will conduct a number of pre-tests using various diagnostic equipment.
- An eye pressure test (tonometer) will blow a puff of air on your eye measuring the eyes internal pressure, this helps to assess the risk of glaucoma.
- Digital retinal photography captures images of the back of the eyes as a baseline for future health monitoring.
- Autorefractor test or vision test measures the eyes, ability to focus. This test indicates whether you may or may not need a prescription for glasses.

3. Main Eye Tests:
- Our Optometrists will use special equipment to check the overall health of your eyes internally and externally
- These tests will also assess the health of your eye muscles, nerve cells and blood vessels inside and around your eyes
- Retinoscopy assesses the eyes' ability to focus and determines prescription.
- Snellen test measures visual acuity, checking the extent of vision you have and determining the need for prescription lenses
- Ophthalmoscope examines the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels for health
- Slit lamp test scrutinizes the front surface of the eyes for abnormalities, crucial for contact lens wearers
- OCT scan which provides a detailed 3D view of eye structures, spotting signs of conditions like glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy earlier than traditional methods.
- If required the Doctor may recommend additional tests such as Visual field check which assesses peripheral vision for early detection of glaucoma or related conditions
- Colour vision test
- In some cases we may need to use eye drops to dilate your pupils to temporarily make your pupils larger to obtain a better view of the eyes internal structures
- Fundus exam which examines the back part of the eye

4. Diagnosis and Recommendations:
- Following the examination our optometrist will discuss your results, advise on course of treatments or may refer you to an ophthalmologist. If you require a prescription they will fit a pair of trial lenses for you as part of a complete refraction
- You will also be given a copy of your prescription
5.Treatment if you need prescription glasses
We offer on-the-spot glazing for standard vision lenses and typically fit these in 15-20 minutes.

We look forward to taking great care of youand your family.
If you have any questions or want to book an appointment please call
Ikoyi Eye Clinic 0701 820 7486
Ikeja Eye Clinic 0703 839 1197