By Dr Ogagifo Martin A. OD MNOA
There are many problems that are associated with the human eyes that can cause mild to severe vision impairments. These conditions most often appear symptomless and undetectable by the sufferer at the early stages and can only be detected when a person is examined by an eye care professional (optometrist). There are varying causes of these eye problems, ranging from genetic predisposition to idiopathic (unknown) causes.
In this article, we will be discussing ten common eye problems that we encounter mostly at SpecSMART Eye Clinic, Ikeja and Ikoyi Lagos and how they could be prevented. And here are some of the commonly encountered eye problems at our facilities; refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism), presbyopia, cataract, glaucoma, ophthalmia neonatorum, conjunctivitis, pterygium, dry eyes disease, computer vision syndrome, and strabismus (squint).
Refractive Errors
When light enters in human eyes it ought to converge on the retina which is located at the back of the eyes for optimal vision experience. Blurry images are formed when the light converges either before or after the retina or when some parts of the light converges outside the retina. These situations give rise to blurry or distorted image formations. This inability of images to be formed appropriately on the retina is called refractive error.
To prevent this, children should undergo eye examinations before they start school, and as they move one class to another, this will help to monitor their refractive development. Children should be given visual tasks at all distance for proper vision development, reduce time spent on viewing tabs and phones, encourage children to look at things at far distant, healthy diet and regular eye examination will also be of immense help in its prevention.
A cataract is the opacification of the crystalline lens of the eyes. Cataract can be age related, or caused by injuries to the eyes, genetic predisposition and systemic health challenges such as type 2 diabetes. Variety of fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and seeds can help nourish the crystalline lens of the eyes.
This is the most common age-related change that happens to the human eye, affecting majority of adults that are 40 years and above. It caused by loss of accommodation mechanism that enables us to see things such as small prints at near resulting into blurry vision at near. Prevention includes regular eye examinations, healthy diets and vision exercises.
This is a group of eye disorders that is associated increased intraocular pressure (pressure exerted by the fluid inside the eye) and accompanied loss gradual loss of vision that is begins from the peripheral field of vision. Most glaucoma sufferers are unaware until the advanced stage of the condition. Regular eye exams, especially for high-risk individuals, and early detection through eye pressure tests, visual field test, and optical coherence tomography tests is the best way to prevent it
Ophthalmia Neonatorum
This condition is also known as neonatal conjunctivitis is very common with newly born infants. It occurs within the first 72 after birth. It is associated with purulent discharges from the baby’s eyes, and inflamed and tender looking eyelid. Babies usually contract this condition during their passage through the birth canal of a mother with vaginal infection. Thorough medical examinations of pregnant women and a drop of antibiotic prophylactic eye drop into the newborn’s eyes could prevent the condition.
Strabismus (Squint)
This refers to the misalignment of the eyes. It is commonly known as ‘half past eye’ in Nigeria parlance. It is caused by weakness of one or more of the extraocular muscles of the eye. Onset is usually a few months after birth in congenital cases, although it can still develop in adults.
Although prevention is mostly impossible early detection could be of great help, and this can only be achieved through regular eye examination, correction of underlying refractive errors, eye exercises and treatment of underlying medical conditions that could lead to development of strabismus.
This refers to inflammation of the conjunctival tissues of the eyes resulting into redness and irritation of the eyes. This can be prevented by good hand hygiene, avoidance of dusty environment, good contact lens hygiene, avoidance of affected infected individual and regular eye examination.
This is a benign outgrowth of the conjunctival tissues onto the cornea, which can cause vision disturbance through induced astigmatism, and obstruction of light rays if allowed to get to the pupillary margin of the eye. It is generally believed that excessive sunlight, dust and exposure of the eyes to the breeze could trigger development. Therefore, avoidance of reduction of exposure to these factors could prevent the development also.
Dry Eyes
This is a condition caused by either insufficient tears in the eyes or faulty tear composition, leading to gritty sensation, eye aches, tearing, and eye irritation and general eye discomfort. Prevention includes using artificial tears, controlled screen time, regular eye examination, and controlled usage of air conditioners.
Computer Vision Syndrome
This condition is caused by prolonged daily usage of computers and other light emitting gadgets such as phones and tablets, leading dryness of the eyes and eye strains. Controlled screen time, use of artificial tears during work hours, use of blue-cut / anti-reflective lenses, installation of UV blockers on computers, use of eye care features in modern phones and gadgets and regular eye exams can prevent the development.
Conclusively, the most common preventive regimen against all issues listed in this article is regular eye examinations. This is important because most eye and vision problems are asymptomatic at the onset and early detection of these eye conditions are the surest way to prevent vision impairment that could result from them. The good news is that these eye conditions can be diagnosed and well managed at SpecSMART Eye Clinics Ikoyi and Ikeja Lagos.